Monday, 30 March 2009
Seeds and weeds
Sunday I got out during one of the brief sunny spells to plant some beetroot seeds (two rows of red, one Detroit and one anonymous supermarket packet and one row of Burpee's Golden). I also threw in some spring onion seeds down next to the gooseberry bush. (So didn't actually use any of the T&M seeds yet!)
I started to weed the shady side of the garden. There was an awful lot of moss there! I have a very untidy carnation that is growing wildly but not happily, as it never seems to flower and so many of its branches seem to be damaged and broken. (Although this could be attribted to visits from the shitzus - more shitzu leavings have been found and thrown back over the fence.) I probably need to apply myself diligently to tying it up or building a little structure for it.
The Lidl pear tree, the Beurre Hardy, is really not looking well. I tested one of the most shrivelledy looking branches and it snapped off cleanly, brown inside, brown outside. Lidl are doing fruit trees again later this week, £9.77 this time. The ones in the picture on the website have leaves on them. I am wondering if I should consider the Beurre Hardy a goner and invest in a new tree?
While rearranging the patio for maximum viewing enjoyment from the kitchen window, I found a small pot with mint growing in it. This is great, because I thought I'd killed all the mint, but it turns out this one was just sleeping. My next thought was - Summertime Mojitos!
I transplanted the little tomato plant that was growing in with the kitchen aloe vera, and moved it in it's own pot into the greenhouse, where I hope it will grow and flourish.
The next anticipated event will be the flowering of the tulips. Some plants have flower spikes already and I can see hints of pink around the green flower buds. I wonder what the chance is on them all being in flower while I'm away on holiday for two weeks at Easter?
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Seeds update
- Zinnias (we knew this already but let's continue to rejoice in it)
- Calendula
- Lettuce
- Statice Purple
- Cornflower
- Ageratum
This weekend's weather is not predicted good so I may not get to dig over the shady side of the yard and get more seeds planted out as I had hoped but we will wait and see.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Williams Red at last
The evil bully cat (an unneutered male who has been picking on my cat) tried to walk through the yard today but I saw him and ran at him screaming and shouting. He ran off. However I noticed that the back corner of the yard smells strongly of cat pee, so for my one scare-off today who knows how many times he will come back to pee and bully?
Soaking the roots before planting Planted!
Digging holes for trees is not a happy business. It's painful and back breaking and tedious. Especially in a part of yard that hasn't really been dug over before, although someone must have done some digging there once upon a time, how else would there be so much broken glass in the soil? But the hole is dug, the tree is planted and watered in and we are all happy.
I also plant my Wisley asparagus plant on top of the two Homebase plants (which I strongly suspect are dead) in the asparagus trench. I found a pile of shitzu in there this morning - not happy!
Since my back is holding up and the sun is shining, I do some weeding (want to get those dandelions, creeping buttercups and bindweed) and throw in some spring onion seeds next to the other seeds I listed from last week.
And now, a bit of a pictorial summary of what's going on in the garden now.
Here are the blueberries: the expensive Ebay one from Mighty Oak trading, the moderately priced Homebase one and the one from the 99p shop (can you tell the difference?)
Here are the daffodils that are out all over the garden in all their different colour combinations:
The raspberries, the gooseberry and the redcurrent all doing well (yes, even the ones from Lidl!)
The apple tree has proper leaves now! The chard has survived the winter and is still growing strong. The rose hyacinth is looking very pretty indeed.
I got some sweet pea seeds planted after soaking them overnight as recommended: two varieties from a six pack from the 99p store (when will I learn?) and also the wisteria seeds from the pods which have sat in the kitchen for about 2 months now.
In the greenhouse, there is a first sign of life! Some of the zinnia seeds are starting to poke through the soil.
In the kitchen, there is a tomato seedling inexplicably growing in with my Aloe Vera.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sunny Sunday... and seeds
- Calendula
- Lettuce (salad bowl)
- Statice purple
- Cornflower blue
- Larkspur
- Red Sun sunflower
- "mystery seeds"
- Scabious red
- Aster
- Nemophilia
To stop neighbourhood cats (or foxes) seeing this nicely dug area as a catty-latrine, I've fenced it off with sticks.
Just along from here, I dug out a small area, sieved the soil back in and planted some Parsnips. The seeds are a year out of date, but I am forever hopeful of them springing new life.
I'm seeing Amanda again today - we're going to compare our choices from the Thompson and Morgan £5 free catalogue so we don't duplicate our choices.
Friday, 13 March 2009
A trip to Wisley
Initially we were a little disappointed - after all, this is not the right time of year to be going to visit gardens, and a lot of the plants were still asleep or just beginning to bud up. But we did find some attractions, like the Glasshouse with its fabulous collection of orchids, which in a way made up for the lack of other flowers outside. We spent much time faffing about in here, photographing the flowers and sniffing at the flowering jasmines.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Sowing the seeds of ... chillies and tomatoes mostly.
- tea and doughnuts in bed?
- a nice glass of red wine?
- planting up the first seeds of the season?
I think the seeds have won it.
From the collection that have been sitting on my dining room table for longer than they should, I start to pick over the packets and make my choices. First packet is the asparagus - purple passion. These seeds are probably two years old but I'm not one to go by use by dates too much. I'm also supposed to plant them out in the ground but without knowing whether the seeds will sprout or not, there's no way I'm digging an asparagus trench!
I've got a little bit of space at the end of the seed box so I decide to throw in some basil. Lots of little basil seeds, I don't mind if I get lots of little basil plants. I can always take any extra plants along to my garden club show in July. (Not to display, mind, to sell!)
Next up, the aubergines. I had an issue with Thompson and Morgan when I first bought aubergine seeds from them. The packet promised an "average content 40 seeds". When I opened my packet and counted 14 seeds, I was not best pleased. To give them credit, they did apologise and sent me a complementary packet.
I didn't have much luck with the aubergines last year so these seven precious seeds are my last!
My next choices are a bit random: teasel and zinnia. The teasel seeds are probably a few years old now. I tried sowing them direct to ground once before with no luck which put me off trying them again. However I'm having another go this year, a little bit in part because they're supposed to be a good bird plant and I want to do a little something for birds. (I've already got a bell on the cat - that may save some lives this summer).
Zinnias I love. I know they're old fashioned and not terribly trendy but that's what I love about them. They're a plant I remember from gardening with my Mum and Dad when I was a wee young thing. And who can resist the bright cheerful colours?
At my recent seed swap with friend Amanda, she passed me on a mixed bag of chilli seeds. Of the 20 or so seeds I've got, there may be five or six different types: chocolate chilli, chipotle, jalapeno, birds eye... or perhaps none of these but some others! I've planted them, I'll see what grows and take them all as a blessing!
So that's two trays of seeds... but I want a third. And this one is dedicated to tomatoes. Again, courtesy of Amanda's collection I plant Roma, Alicante, Super Marmande and the "nice red one". Amanda also has seeds from the Black Russians I tried to grow last year but I didn't take any of these.
I feel quite virtuous - three trays planted, that's one shelf of my mini-greenhouse full. I make sure I breathe into the greenhouse when I put the seed trays in to warm it up a bit. This is my first try of using one of these flimsy plastic structures - they're supposed to work quite well so let's wait and see. At least it spares me having every window sill in the house crammed with black plastic seed trays.
So seeds planted, and as you can see from the photos, I got my glass of wine as well. Such civilised gardening!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Get the oca in
So for whatever dodgy rationalisation I used, I now own a gooseberry bush, which means I had to find somewhere to plant it. My library book of the month (Carol Klein's Grow your own fruit) seemed to advise that gooseberries grow well alongside fruit trees, so I dug a hole next to the pear tree and planted the gooseberry there.
(The pear tree is still asleep. Shouldn't it be starting to show some life by now? The apple tree that I bought at the same time is budding up in a healthy way - I'm getting concerned I've ended up with a dud pear tree!)
As it was still sunny, I carried on with a bit of weeding - having a go at the creeping buttercup that is starting to spring its evil self back into life. Very satisfying it was too, to remove it. And I found some chunks of bindweed root too - ha! Take that, evil bindweed.
I was getting a niggling pain in my lower back so was about to call it a day when I realised that the Oca was still sitting in the kitchen, waiting to be planted. When I'd tried to get my boyfriend interested in the garden last year, I asked him for suggestions on what to grow. His only request was yams like he used to have in New Zealand. It turns out these grub-like yams are of South American origin and also known as Oca. I was happy to find a UK supplier and ordered in a selection in November 08, and the tubers have sat patiently in the bottom of the cupboard ready for the spring planting (Oca purchased from highly recommended Real Seeds:
By the time I got the last tubers buried, the once-sunny sky had clouded over and it was definitely going to rain soon. It took me a while to clean up and put everything away - not being able to bend over without shreiking didn't help. But I got inside to have my lunch just before it start to pelt with rain.
I picked over my seed collection while I was eating. Getting seed trays organised was also on my list for this weekend - might not happen now if I have to bend over to get the compost! I picked out tomatoes, chillies, aubergine and a few others to start off in pots. And for sowing direct to garden, I've got lettuce, beetroots, spring onion, parsnips, carrots and more. The direct to garden sowings will probably wait a little while (next weekend) when my back could have recovered a bit. I only had my 1970's St Michael vegetable book to refer to when trying to judge planting times. So several of the seeds I have don't rate a mention - no-one was growing Borlotti beans or chilli or mangetout in the 70s!
I found a cluster of snails while I was weeding by the pond and put a sharp and sticky end to their lives. This year I will not lose my plants to evil gastropods! The purpose of keeping the pond was supposed to be to keep frogs who would eat the snails for me. Bless 'em - they're not the brightest of creatures, frogs. But they have certainly been busy judging by the big pile of frogspawn now piled up in the pond. I hid by the pond and made croaking noises until the frogs in there croaked back at me. I don't know why it makes me happy, but it does.