Here's some plants that are doing well - the Qld Blue and the purple beans, which have now produced pods which are actually looking more like mangetout. Have to check with the boss about that one since they were her seeds. Since this photo was taken, the Qld Blues have completely climbed the trellis and are now making their way up into the wisteria above. Vigourous can hardly describe growth of up to 30cm a day!?!?! The little cucumber next them has used it as a trellis so isn't completely swamped. And it's producing at least one tiny little cucumber! Since this photo was taken I've also moved the melon down there. It's not doing much but it's not dead which is a result.
Apples and pears in progress, continuing to grow and ripen. Might get up to a dozen apples from the two trees if none of them fall off. I find this very exciting to watch my apples growing!
The teasel is doing incredibly well. Now somewhere up around 7 ft. It's doing its bit to attract insects. The bees love it, as do the ladybirds, being that it's also a magnet for aphids.
Berry harvest - strawberries are almost done now except for the Pegasus which really are a late variety. Next year I'm going to take out all the plants down beside the pond and move them to a place where it's easier to get at them. And move the plants from the path side of the pond to where the strawberries were.